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onstructivism is the theory that learners construct knowledge rather than passively take in information.

As people experience the world and reflect upon those experiences, they build their own representations and incorporate new information into their pre-existing base of knowledge.


The beginning of Art Deco Constructivism began in the Netherlands in the early 1900’s.

The De Stijl Movement produced the first journal that allowed the venting of the feeling about Art, Architecture and the world in general.

There was a gradual realization of perception and representation into the horizontal, the vertical, primary colours, black, white and grays.

It was Gerrit Rietveld's masterpiece the Schroeder House in Utrecht (1924), which is remarkable for its interplay of right-angle forms, planes, and lines, and for its use of primary colours that epitomized this style.

His mass-produced houses at Utrecht (1931–34) were closely related in style.

Bonita Silver

Bonita is a leading and passionate art deco constructivist, who is inspired by the greats: El Lissitzky, Frank Lloyd Wright and M.C. Escher.

At 16, Bonita began studying art and working on her geometric techniques and interpretations of the Bauhaus Era.

Her collection designs began in ink and pen.

She soon started experimenting with colour, acrylics, oils and leaf on canvas to accommodate her unique designs on a larger scale and begin an art business.

With the onset of the computer age, Bonita went back to school in order to bring the newest age of design capabilities into her realm of designing techniques.

Being a geometrical artisan, she researched the Art Deco Constructivism Era with great interest.

Once seeing that geometrics predominated designs in the Deco Era, Bonita set out to establish a collection, which features some of her works as a purest in this format of artistry.

Bonita's portfolio holds various accomplishments including referenced articles, exhibitions and the exporting of her work.

She possess a strong sense of artistry and forward-thinking that is consistently displayed across all her art pieces.

She is also capable of communicating with clients regarding specifications for customized art pieces.

From the past comes the future and it is Bonita’s goal to prevent this artistry from disappearing in the 21st century and to establish herself as the leading Art Deco Constructivist Artisan in North America.